Parallel event at the Commission
on the Status of Women, CSW69 / Beijing+30

Ensuring Freedom of Religion or Beliefs (FoRB) is essential to promote a life free from violence for all women.
This parallel event will explore violence against women pertaining to religious minorities across regions, which differentially prevent them to fully realize their right to FoRB. By considering religion as a vital component of women’s identities, the discussion will explore how intersecting inequalities, cultural norms, and structural disparities deepen this form of violence. Led by young FoRB defenders, the conversation aims to amplify women’s voices and lived experiences, providing a platform for sharing innovative strategies and fostering dialogue on the transformative role of religious freedom for gender equality.
The event aligns with the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, reflecting on how intersectional perspectives can advance global commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
As part of this event, the Global Youth Summit for FoRB will launch its Global Charter on Youth and FoRB, highlighting the crucial role of young advocates in advancing religious freedom and gender equality worldwide.
CSW 69 and the Legacy of Beijing: A Key Space for Women’s Rights
The 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 69) is the UN’s primary forum dedicated to promoting gender equality and women’s rights. This year, marking the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, CSW 69 will focus its review on strengthening institutions for gender equality and women’s empowerment. This space is crucial as it brings together governments, civil society, and international organizations to assess progress, identify challenges, and adopt commitments that advance the global women’s rights agenda, ensuring their inclusion in sustainable development policies.

Aminah Ishaq Ibrahim
Campaign and Advocacy officer, Srarina Initiative for Peace, Justice and Development

Blessy Prasad
Independent journalist, human rights and minority rights activist

Viviana Osorio
Senior Fellow for Economic and Social Equity, Atlantic Institute / London School of Economics

Emina Frljak
Bosnia and Herzegowina

Hewan Omer
Country Director at Free Yezidi Foundation

Cynthia Sun
Falun Gong
United States (China)
Researcher at the Falun Dafa Information Center

Swati Chakraborty
Canada (India)
Visiting Faculty at GLA University, KAICIID Fellow and YWCA mentor
VIP Speaker (TBC)

Ashuriena Abraham
Christian, Ancient Church of the East
United States (Iraq)
Member of the Susek Evangelistic Association under the Assyrian Project, and MENA Co-chair at First Freedom Foundation